original video: https://youtu.be/awnn-bqV_Tw

Video Notes

  • what would he do if he lost everything and had to start over?
  • the 3 foundation principles and then the 5 steps after
  1. Build in Public ^3c85f2
    1. so you can build an audience
    2. you can them monetize them and be wholesome over time
    3. provide value to them
    4. everything I learn, or save, or help me build this business or idea
      1. create youtube videos or blog posts
      2. then share to linkedin, twitter, facebook, instagram et.c
      3. document the process
  2. Provide value first
    1. don’t expect quick returns
    2. don’t sell anything or be not authentic while you are building in public and showing insights or tools or techniques that could be interesting or useful to your audience.
  3. target the market you actually care about
    1. build your business around that specific audience you know about and you want to learn more about (have passion about).
    2. passion = perseverance


What does This Mean for Me ? (08/27/2024)

Keep making blog posts, social media posts (linkedin, twitter), and maybe video tutorials of the things I am learning and doing online relative to my projects and the things I am learning. The target audience are developers, business owners, and productivity nerds. Keep making guides, tutorials, resource lists


  • 5 actionable steps to start your own business
  1. learn a monetize-able skill that helps the people that I care about
    1. list out those skills and see which ones are closest to your skillsets or the skillsets you want to learn :::hidden idea: offer a website / software service that would allow youtubers to automaticallly convert their existing videos into SEO-optimized blog posts, using youtube-summary-py script add a sample blog post for one of their existing videos. :::
  2. offer your services for free
    1. without permission
    2. and then documenting it in public, and providing value first, and for the people you care about
    3. cold email your market, initial offer (social proof, service for free, CTA), send out as much as you can
    • @ try making something ahead of the email and send it with the cold email, and show that they can work with you and then eventually pay you down the line
    1. ==remember to document everything and build your audience
  3. Once you have a portfolio, make a website to show it off, turn it into a paid gig
    1. reach out to new people for an initial work for free
      • $ then through your portfolio, testimonials, and skill level, your work will speak for itself, and will have more social proof so you can book more gigs.


Hidden Callout

08/27/'24 - This is my Challenge right now :LiArrowBigUp: Jordan Ross Twitter Guide, building a basic email / text offer where I can give people value for free and ask for solid feedback, a testimonial, and one other person to refer to

cold emailing or just reach out to people I know personally that I could help in order to build a portfolio of work reminds me of this tweet:


  1. keep learning and growing while sharing online so you can build your domain authority
  2. productive the service
    1. “Take your shot” by Robin Waite (Read)
    2. change your pricing model
      1. convert hourly pricing to productized charging rate
    3. *create service packages with different price tiers
    4. *create an asset that has either a high enough price to justify your time, or
      1. **create a product that brings in revenue regardless of your direct involvement at time of sale
  3. Hire people
    1. Read these books
      1. The E-myth revisited
      2. Traction
    2. once you are profitable as solopreneur
    3. bring people on board to scale
    4. do this usually after 2-3 years of success
    5. after that you can build a business system that delivers results, not solely from individuals themselves.

original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK4B7XUqXWY&list=PLzK__islD6Ot03bSsm3saqEqj3TSjZpIy&index=15

Video Notes

  1. Tip 5: Invest in Yourself First
    1. it’s great to invest, because you are trying to get more out of it than you put in
    2. but you should invest in yourself first because that will pay you way more than 7% - 10% per year.
      1. invest in your skills, and your ability to make money.
    3. Ask myself: “What can I invest in for myself to improve my ability to make money
  2. Tip 4: Work for a Startup
    1. join a start up that is small if you want to start your own business
    2. you’ll learn more about creating and managing your own business.
  3. Tip 3: Take the 3rd Door
    1. life is like a night club, there are three doors to any nightclub
      1. the front where everyone waits and it takes forever
      2. the backdoor: where the billionaires and actors get in
      3. then the third door: the one that you have to hustle for; through the window, into the kitchen, bride the guard, and eventually make your way inside
      4. **most really successful people always take the third door.
  4. Tip 2: Everything is downhill from lead generation
    1. Notion page discussing this topic
    2. loads of people will come to free events, or products and a percentage of them will be interested in your actual paid product
    3. generate score card MVP
      1. make a quiz or something that gets market data alongside giving someone what they are looking for
        1. **“Free quiz to find out the best AI tool for your business”
        2. ask questions to narrow down results
        3. keep question data for better feedback and product-market fit
    4. ask social media
    5. before you make product validate with leads
  5. Tip 1: Extraordinary results == extraordinary inputs
    1. if you go hard results will seem to come easy
    2. magic is spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect
    3. What do you put in an extraordinary amount of time doing (that most people might not reasonably expect) … but you enjoy the process as well?

Step 1

Discover your Passion

  • find a skill that you enjoy or a process in which you enjoy (for the most part) all the components
  • if I had 100M in the bank, How would I choose to spend my time
  • Skill vetting
    • what generates energy instead of taking energy
    • what do I have an aptitude for
    • and what do I enjoy doing.
  • Skill and Validate the Market

Step 2

Generate Leads decide on a business model

  1. Service
  2. Product
  3. Content post free content and get money through advertisers etc. (like TV)

If I had to create a service, product or content around this skill, what would it be?

Step 3

build an MVP

what is the minimum viable product that you can build that gets your service/product/content in front of people and where you can get feedback?

if there isn’t a market, or problem, or need for your service/product/content then it’s just a hobby.

there needs to be a starving audience that can pay you.

Step 4

scale sustainably and work-life balance

Step 5

periodically re-evaluate and pivot

periodically ask: “Is the thing you’re currently doing actually the thing you want to be doing?”

Common Mistakes

  1. neglecting market validation
    1. need to focus on product-market fit
  2. scaling too fast too soon
  3. forgetting work-life balance
    1. enjoy life