Introduction to Arc in Rust

Arc, or Atomically Reference Counted, is a thread-safe, reference-counting pointer in Rust. It allows multiple ownership of data across threads by managing a shared reference to heap-allocated data. When the last Arc instance is dropped, the value is automatically deallocated.

Key Features

  1. Thread Safety: Unlike Rc (Reference Counted), Arc uses atomic operations to manage its reference count, making it suitable for concurrent environments.
  2. Immutability: Data inside an Arc is immutable by default. For mutable access across threads, use Mutex or RwLock.
  3. Cloning: Cloning an Arc creates another pointer to the same data without duplicating the data.

Basic Usage

  1. Creating an Arc:

    use std::sync::Arc;
    let num = Arc::new(10);
  2. Cloning: Use Arc::clone(&arc_instance) to create another reference.

    let a = Arc::new(5);
    let b = Arc::clone(&a);
  3. Sharing Between Threads:

    use std::sync::Arc;
    use std::thread;
    let data = Arc::new(10);
    for _ in 0..5 {
        let data = Arc::clone(&data);
        thread::spawn(move || {
            println!("{:?}", data);
  4. Breaking Reference Cycles: Use Weak pointers to create non-owning references that won’t prevent deallocation.

    let arc_instance = Arc::new(10);
    let weak_ref = Arc::downgrade(&arc_instance);
  5. Converting to Raw Pointers: Arc supports conversion to and from raw pointers using into_raw and from_raw.

By using Arc, Rust enables safe shared data access across threads, a powerful feature for concurrent programming.