Notes from this article: A Vim Guide for Intermediate Users

Buffer Commands

To navigate through the buffer list, you can use these commands:

  • :buffer <ID_or_name> - Move to the buffer using its ID or its name.
  • bnext - :bn move to the next buffer
  • :bprevious or :bp - move to the previous buffer
  • :bfirst or :bf move to the first buffer
  • :blast or :bl move to the last buffer
  • CTRL-^ - switch to the alternate buffer. it’s indicated in your buffer list with the symbol: #
  • <ID>CTRL_^ switch to a specific buffer with ID <ID>. For Example, 75CTRL-^ would switch to the buffer with ID 75.

you can also apply a command to all buffers with

:bufdo <command>

I feel like this could be really helpful for formatting files or automating mundane things that you can’t do outside of vim.

:bufdo examples

Here are some examples of useful commands you can run with :bufdo in Vim:

The update command in Vim is used to save the current buffer to disk, but only if it has been modified. It’s a more efficient alternative to the write command when you’re not sure if changes have been made.

  1. Search and replace across all buffers:
:bufdo %s/oldtext/newtext/g | update
  1. Save all modified buffers:
:bufdo update
  1. Convert all buffers to Unix line endings:
:bufdo set ff=unix | update
  1. Add a line to the end of all buffers:
:bufdo $put='// End of file' | update
  1. Remove trailing whitespace from all buffers:
:bufdo %s/\s\+$//e | update
  1. Execute a macro named ‘a’ on all buffers:
:bufdo execute "normal! @a" | update
  1. Set all buffers to a specific file type:
:bufdo set filetype=python
  1. Close all buffers except the current one:
:bufdo bdelete | edit # | bdelete #
  1. insert yml at line 0 for every file in your buffer List
:bufdo execute '0r header.yml' | write

As for Zsh commands, :bufdo is specific to Vim and not directly applicable to Zsh. However, you can use Vim’s :bufdo to execute shell commands on multiple files. For example:

  1. Run a shell command on all open buffers:
:bufdo !zsh -c 'echo "Processing %"'
  1. Use sed on all open buffers:
:bufdo !sed -i 's/old/new/g' %